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Tal Kus Mriehel Hal Far Maghtab Luqa Ta Qali

Opening Times  

Civic Amenity Sites are open from Monday to Sunday, including Public Holidays, between 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m (excluding Christmas Day and New Year’s Day).

Before you visit   

  • All Waste disposed at our Civic Amenity Sites is to be separated and sorted beforehand, to make sure that as much waste as possible goes for reuse or recycling. 

  • Entry to a Civic Amenity Site is only permitted with a vehicle. Different levels of access are applied depending on the category of your vehicle.

  • Residents having only a commercial vehicle falling under Category A get free access up to 18 times once it is proven that this is the only vehicle owned by that household.

  • You can apply for a permit online by clicking here. You can also apply for the permit directly at the Civic Amenity Site or by calling our freephone 80072200. Vehicles without a permit will not be allowed access.

  • Children are allowed as long as they are accompanied by an adult.

  • Consider wearing sturdy footwear, sensible clothing, and gloves where appropriate.

  • Non-Governmental Organisations wishing to make use of our Civic Amenity Sites are kindly requested to send us an email on 

  • Pitkalija registered vehicles are allowed unlimited access to Ta’ Qali Civic Amenity site to dispose of waste related to their trade.

  • If you need guidance or assistance at any time, please ask our site staff. 

You can also use the bulky waste collection service offered free of charge to all residents by the respective Local Council. For more information on this service, please select your locality from the list below. 

Your Waste 

These sites can only accept household waste.   

What we accept

Bulky Waste

  • Furniture, mattresses
  • White goods such as fridges, cookers and microwaves
  • Garden furniture
  • Wood and Metal

Clothing & Textiles

  • Torn or stained carpets and rugs
  • Torn or stained textiles such as clothes, bed sheets, curtains and towels

Construction Waste

  • Inert waste: concrete, bricks, gravel, sand and cement
  • Tiles, granite and gres
  • Ceramic sanitary ware (like sinks and toilets)
  • Rubble

Hazardous Waste

  • Expired medicines and used syringes
  • Solvents and Chemicals
  • Paint 
  • Batteries (including car batteries), spent bulbs and neon tubes


  • PCs, Laptops, monitors and printers
  • Mobile phones, tablets
  • Smart TVs, satellite navigation systems, electronic toys and tools (please make sure that all personal data is removed from items such as PCs, laptops, smart TVs, mobile phones, tablets and sat navs)

Garden Waste

  • Grass cuttings and Trimmings 
  • Small tree cuttings. small branches
  • Flowers and Leaves
  • Weeds

Other Waste

  • Car tyres
  • Edible oil and lubricant oils

In the case of electronic products may we remind you that these can also be collected by the retailers who operate their own collection system.

Bulky Waste Collection   

For more information on the bulky waste collection service offered by your Local Council, please select your locality from the list below.

What happens to the waste? 

All waste collected at the Civic Amenity Sites is either exported for treatment, treated locally, re-used for other purposes or recycled. The main aim of civic amenity sites is to make the most out of the waste collected and to increase the recovery of secondary materials.    

Last updated on 11/07/2023

WasteServ Malta Ltd
ECOHIVE Complex, Tul il-Kosta, Naxxar NXR9030

+356 80072200