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WasteServ provides commercial entities with the necessary services to dispose of their waste safely. This service is offered upon request for a fee. 

Different waste disposal procedures need to be followed by commercial entities depending on the type of waste and the quantities involved. For this reason, we kindly request that you complete the Waste Inquiry Form.              

If you wish to inquire further about your request, please send an email to, including the reference number of your waste inquiry form, or alternatively, you may contact us via our freephone number at +356 8007 2200.

Rather than disposing of everything in one skip or going to ECOHIVE Complex with commingled waste, there are other options which are cheaper and at the same time ensure that resources are not sent to the landfill. 

To dispose of bulky waste, commercial entities need to: 

  • Engage the services of a licensed waste contractor (waste carrier) to transport the waste.
  • Use a company vehicle to transport the waste. The Vehicle needs to be registered with the Environment and Resources Authoirty (ERA) and WasteServ,
  • Complete a Waste Disposal Sheet
Those contractors who are subcontracted by a Local Council to collect residential bulky refuse may deposit this waste at the Civic Amenity sites, as instructed by the respective Local Council. These contractors must be registered by the Local Council to make use of our Civic Amenity Sites. We invite you to take a look at our Site Rules before visiting.

Last updated on 31/10/2022

WasteServ Malta Ltd
ECOHIVE Complex, Tul il-Kosta, Naxxar NXR9030

+356 80072200