WasteServ Malta Ltd operates a number of waste disposal facilities. These include the Magħtab landfill, Malta North Waste Treatment Plant, Sant Antnin Waste Treatment Plant, Marsa Thermal Treatment Facility and tal-Kus Waste Transfer Station.
What you'll get
Register your vehicle with WasteServ Malta Ltd to be able to make use of the various facilities operated by the company (excluding Civic Amenity Sites), depending on the Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) permits in hand.
The below applicable permits shall be made available when delivering waste to WasteServ:
1. Clients transporting abattoir/ slaughterhouse waste must hold a valid permit obtained from the Veterinary and Regulation Directorate to deliver such waste to WasteServ.
2. Client transporting other type of waste must hold a valid ERA Waste Carrier Permit to transport the delivered waste to WasteServ. For ERA vehicle registration visit https://eraportal.org.mt/EraPortal/ERAeforms. For further information call ERA on 2292 3717 or send an email to waste.carriers@era.org.mt
Prior to entering on site waste carriers are expected to be aware of their main responsibilities related to Environment, Health and Safety (EHS). Therefore, WasteServ has defined site rules which shall be adhered to. These may be accessed via the following link: https://wsm.com.mt/en/environment-health-safety
Data Protection and Privacy Policy
WasteServ Malta Ltd. is committed to ensuring that your personal data is properly and securely managed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”) (EU) 2016/679, the Data Protection Act (Chapter 586 of the Laws of Malta), any subsidiary legislation thereto and other applicable laws, as may be amended from time to time. For more information on how we process your personal data, please refer to our Waste Disposal section in our Privacy Policy: https://www.wsm.com.mt/mt/privacy-policy or contact Data Protection Officer on dpo.ws@wsm.com.mt