Contact Us

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Through this form, clients will be able to apply for a debit account with the Company. 

What you'll get 

You will be invoiced monthly instead of paying at the site. 


Any Waste Carrier enlisted with Wasteserv and who has a positive credit history can apply. Credit is given at the discretion of Wasteserv Malta.

Client Details

The field 'Company / Name' is required.
The field 'ID Card No' is required.
The field 'Door Name' is required.
The field 'Door Number' is required.
The field 'Street Name' is required.
The field 'Locality Name' is required.
The field 'Post Code' is required.
The field 'Mobile/Telephone' is required.
The field 'E-mail' is required and must be a valid email address.
The field 'VAT Number' is required.
The field 'Company Number' is required.


Kindly attach a copy of the Directors' ID Cards

WasteServ Malta Ltd
ECOHIVE Complex, Tul il-Kosta, Naxxar NXR9030

+356 80072200