WasteServ Malta Ltd is committed to ensuring that the data and information you provide is protected securely In fact, kindly refer to our WSM Privacy Policy (https://wwwwsmcommt/en/privacy-policy) We may collect your personal data for the following purposes:
• To manage and administer your relationship with us, which includes processing data in relation to the materials collected from your premises;
• To provide information required by or relating to audits, inquiries or investigations by enforcement authorities, regulatory bodies, courts, tribunals and government agencies;
• For quality management purposes, in accordance with ISO9001, whereby WasteServ Malta Ltd may invite clients to participate in voluntary customer feedback questionnaires which can be conducted face-to-face, by telephone, or sent via email/post Information collected through such questionnaires will be exclusively used to properly manage and assess customer satisfaction All responses will be internally reported in aggregate only;
• To comply with EU Regulation Targets;
Kindly attach necessary documents and photos for further considerations (PDFs, JPGs and PNGs Only). Make sure all documentation has been uploaded before you proceed. Please make sure the files are not bigger than 4 MB.