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Further growth and improvement in waste management: new offices at the ECOHIVE Complex

Further growth and improvement in waste management: new offices at the ECOHIVE Complex

WasteServ continues to consolidate its operations to continue improving its environmental standards. 

New offices within the ECOHIVE Complex in Magħtab have been inaugurated. These new offices will host important departments including Projects, Public Relations, Health and Safety and Compliance and Management Systems. 

Present for the inauguration, Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning Aaron Farrugia said that WasteServ continues to consolidate its operations to continue improving its environmental standards. Last year, WasteServ surpassed the projected record of processed recyclables with close to 19,000 tonnes of good quality recyclable material processed and returned to the economy.  

WasteServ is constantly attracting new talent to widen its operational capabilities. In fact, WasteServ currently has a wide range of professionals covering numerous specialised fields. It is through the hard work of these people that the current results are being obtained. 

Minister for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning Aaron Farrugia praised the work being done by WasteServ, as they are leading the country to a circular economy that creates resources from waste so that the country is no longer dependent on landfills. During his visit, Minister Farrugia had the opportunity to also meet WasteServ employees. 

WasteServ CEO Richard Bilocca said that he looks forward to continuing building on the success achieved last year. He also commended the work of the employees, as most of the work on these new offices was done in-house by WasteServ’s maintenance team.

WasteServ Malta Ltd
ECOHIVE Complex, Tul il-Kosta, Naxxar NXR9030

+356 80072200