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WasteServ Publishes the Prior-Information Notice for the Waste-to-Energy Facility

WasteServ Publishes the Prior-Information Notice for the Waste-to-Energy Facility

WasteServ has published a Prior-Information Notice (PIN) to indicate to prospective bidders that it is planning to launch, within weeks, a competitive procedure with negotiation for a Waste-to-Energy Plant. The PIN, in addition to being visible on the Company’s website and on the Department of Contracts’ online system will also feature within a couple of days on the EU Journal.    

Besides ensuring transparency, this publication enables potential bidders to start preparing their bid and joint venture details in advance.   

The successful tenderer will be awarded a contract for the Design, Build and Operation (DBO) of a Waste to Energy (WtE) facility in Malta intended to substantially divert waste away from landfill disposal and contribute towards Malta’s national compliance with EU targets with respect to recycling and landfill reduction. The successful tenderer will be awarded a DBO contract consisting of a construction phase of approximately three (3) years and a subsequent operation and maintenance phase of approximately twenty (20) years.   

The preparations for the Waste-to-Energy project are already at a very advanced stage. The EIA studies have been completed and approved and an outline development application has also been approved by the Planning Authority. The ground has already been cleared and the required excavations are anticipated to start within weeks so that they are completed by the time the DBO contract is awarded. 

WasteServ Malta Ltd
ECOHIVE Complex, Tul il-Kosta, Naxxar NXR9030

+356 80072200