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Residents’ efforts lead to a successful October Glass Collection

Residents’ efforts lead to a successful October Glass Collection

WasteServ noted a remarkable increase in the quality of recyclable glass during the October collection. Once again people have shown their commitment to waste separation and to the environment. WasteServ also thanked GreenPak and GreenMT; the two private schemes responsible for such glass collection and all Local Councils, including the Local Council Association, for all their support.

Last Friday’s door-to-door collection yielded 128 tonnes of clean glass, an increase of 58% over the same collection day last September.

WasteServ will continue to intensify an educational campaign it just started a few days ago to encourage the general public to continue separating their glass, take it out for collection in reusable containers such as old buckets, reusable wooden and plastic crates, or waste containers such as those provided by WasteServ. Alternatively, one can use one of the Civic Amenity sites or one of the many iBiNs and Bring-In sites available around Malta.

WasteServ Malta Ltd
ECOHIVE Complex, Tul il-Kosta, Naxxar NXR9030

+356 80072200